Sunday, 15 June 2014


Okay, so I've been nominated for the Liebster award by the lovely Katie at May Bee Beauty which was very sweet of her, so thank you so much! I was having the worst week until I read your comment, and you've honestly made me feel tons better!

In case you're unsure of what the Liebster Award is, it is a kind of 'chain letter' type award given from blogger to blogger who have less than 200 followers. It might seem pointless, but personally I find it really nice to have been nominated. It feels like someone appreciates all the effort you've put into your little space on the internet, and it's always nice to be reminded that someone is actually reading what you're writing!

So once again, thank you for the nomination Katie!

These are the rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog! Spread the love!
2. Display the award on your blog.
3, Answer the 11 questions provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate between 5 and 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award (who have less than 200 followers).
6. Create a new list of questions for your nominees to answer.
7. List these rules in your post!
8. Inform the bloggers that you have nominated them for the Liebster award, and provide a link to your post so that they can learn about it themselves! 

Katie's Questions for me
1. Who is your biggest make up inspiration?
I don't really have a make up inspiration, I just kinda go with it sometimes. I do like to watch make up youtube tutorials from Tanya Burr and Zoe Sugg or 'Zoella' though.

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
As long as I'm writing, I don't really mind. Journalism, blogging, writing reviews, writing books, it doesn't matter to me. I just want to be doing something that I enjoy!

3. Your most used make up brush?
My real techniques blush brush, but I use it to contour. Don't judge me, I'm sure not everyone uses their brushes for the exact purpose they were made for.

4. Your most played song?
Probably at the minute, 'Do you want to build a snowman' from Frozen.

5. Favourite foundation of all time?
Current one that I'm using. Maybelline 'Super Stay Better Skin, Flawless Finish Foundation'. Fairly good coverage, and kinda matches my ghost white skin.

6. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
Hogwarts, or Disney World in America. A girl can dream, right?

7. Most used word?
I really couldn't say. Probably monkey at the minute, as that's the new nickname I've given my cat.

8. Favourite animal?
I loooove cats. Big cats, little cats, I am definitely a crazy cat lady at heart.

9. Biggest beauty mistake?
When I was younger, I thought plucking my eyebrows was the most painful thing ever, so I'd try and shave some shape into them with a razor (what the hell, I know). One day however, I managed to take a chunk out of my eyebrow, and I had a random bald spot for weeks. Thank god for eyebrow pencils.

10. Biggest fashion mistake?
Cringe moment here, but when I was about 14 I really liked Doc Martens, and to be fair, the black normal style ones are still quite nice. The red leather plated, knee high ones I owned however, were most definitely not.

11. What advice would you give yourself when you were younger?
Everything gets better. It might not seem like it, but it will.

11 Random Chloe Facts
1. Vegetarian pizza is my fav, despite the fact that I'm not a vegetarian.
2. Harry Potter is my favourite thing ever ever ever. I've seen all the films and read the books about a gazillion times. I can quote them pretty much off by heart. 
3. I love superhero movies, and I used to watch all the cartoons when I was little. I not-so-secretly would love to be a superhero.
4. I am cat crazy.
5. I'd rather be too cold, than too hot. Its easier to add layers than to take them off.
6. I've suffered with anxiety since I was about 15, and panic attacks since I was about 17. I don't talk about it a lot and not a lot of people know I have it. I just deal, which is stupid because people should be more accepting and understanding. Unfortunately they are not.
7. I hate coffee, very much a tea person.
8. I have quite an addictive personality sometimes, when it comes to tv programmes. I can watch a couple series in a few days.
9. I have an oval birthmark on my shin that I despise. I'm really conscious about it because its just there, in the middle of my shin. Puts me off wearing shorts, skirts and dresses without tights.
10. I eat garlic sauce with almost everything. 
11. I have never broken a bone, but I did have to stay in hospital for a few days because of a nasty kidney infection.

My nominations are
Rachel at Eat - Explore - Enjoy
Breffní at Le Petit Chat
Madelaine at HAZY SILVER
Jess at dear wildflower
Jodie at An Abundance of Ramblings
Regina at Lovetostylexo
Catherine at caffrinc
Lily at you had me at vintage

Questions for you to answer
1. What made you want to start blogging?
2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
3. Cats or dogs?
4. If you were stranded on an island, what are the five things you would want with you?
5. Other than blogging, what are your other interests?
6. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
7. Favourite tv programme?
8. What is something you wanted to be when you were younger, that you aren't?
9. Something you're proud of?
10. Do you have a favourite Disney film?
11. If you had unlimited amounts of money, what would be the first thing you would buy?

Thanks for reading! Hope everyone's having a great weekend!


  1. Thanks for the award! I've passed on the love...

    1. Not a problem :). Loved reading your response post! x

  2. Thank you for the nomination :)

    1. No problem, your blog is major cute, and I'm so jealous of all your pretty clothes! x

  3. Thank you for the nomination :)

    1. Don't be silly, I love the way your blog is written, and you always post pretty pictures! Deffo should get more recognition for writing such a good blog :)! x
